Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Well, I have to say I am very bummed due to the fact that my computer crashed this summer. In fact, they had to order a whole new motherboard to have it fixed. I have about 6 weeks of photos from projects and weekly themes accumulated on my camera. And at this point, it feels daunting to go back and explain them all.

I have always wanted to keep a journal of sorts to record our crafts and activities as Avery grows. This one unfortunately did not get to live up to my expectations. So, we will pick up where we left off. I might add photos here and there of fun things from the summer.

For the next couple weeks, before preschool starts, I have two themes that I am excited about - 1) the 5 senses, and 2) school time! Lots of fun things planned and hopefully my computer and camera hang in there :)