Friday, May 27, 2011


The weather has been tremendous this week and has allowed us to spend a ton of time outside playing in the yard, digging in the dirt for insects, and planting in the garden. Perfect timing!

Today we worked on caterpillars (prelude to butterflies). In the book list there are some great ones that include caterpillars and the transformation they make.

For our first project we made caterpillars out of old egg cartons, tempura paint, pipe cleaners, and googly eyes (and don't forget glitter, always lots of glitter!).

So far, it seems that our cooking activities have included treats. My son helps me cook all the time - I love it. He gets bummed when he notices I prepared ingredients for dinner while he napped. He is already good with a knife (we give him a very dull one) and does most of the chopping/peeling when I cook. We try to eat very healthy and don't eat too many sweets in our house. When I started research for our weekly themes there were so many cute 'treat' style cooking activities that the child can do all by themselves I couldn't help but include them. So my son has been loving the latest recipes... but I plan to search a little harder for healthier cooking activities that are simple, fun and doesn't take too much help from Mom.

Today's tasty treat was rice krispy caterpillars.

These were so fun to make however, ours didn't quite turn out quite like the picture we went off of - so don't laugh :) Ours looked more like melted blobs of something....They tasted great tho!

We made rice crispy treats per the instructions: 3T butter melted with 4C mini marshmallows stirring in 6C rice krispy cereal on very low heat. My son did all the measuring and I had to help stir a little bit at the end. Then we made little balls of treats and smushed them together to 'resemble' a caterpillar. Then we took strips of fruit roll ups -which is the first time my son has eaten these... I wasn't kidding when I say we don't eat a lot of junk food and he thought they were amazing! Deprived?.... I digress.... we took the fruit roll ups and wrapped them over the rice krispy balls and added M&Ms for eyes. The combo was really tasty and he had a blast!

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