Tuesday, June 7, 2011

More Clouds

Today we worked on crafting with clouds as part of Weather Week.

For our first craft we concentrated on the letter 'C' - for clouds!

First we cut a letter 'C' out of scrap cardboard. Then I had Avery paste it to a piece of 'sky' blue paper. Next he spread glue all over the 'C' and glued cotton balls to the 'C' to look like a cloud.

Then I wrote the word 'CLOUDS' on the top of the paper with a white crayon and asked Avery to write the word too - I thought he did an awesome job... especially since he often is intimidated to write out his words. It is a little hard to see in the photo.

Next we did some cloud paintings!

We used dark blue construction paper and painted clouds with a cotton ball using white tempera paint. I also had Avery spell out 'clouds' using sticky foam letters. He picked out the letters and put them in the right order by himself.

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