Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Creative Play at it's Best!

Some of my absolute favorite moments with my son are during creative play - either when I am with him, or when he thinks I don't hear him!

Today, I know that what we are learning in ocean week is really sinking in and he is having a lot of fun with it.

After we made our peanut butter jar aquariums he told me to 'stop, stay right there'. Then I could hear his pitter patter of feet running around the house. Then he came up to me and said "Are you ready for your aquarium tour?". He handed me a ticket and took me on a tour of the aquarium in our house... none of the photos were staged by me. He had a ticket, fish, and an "X" marks the spot made with popsicle sticks at each station marking where we needed to stop.

The first stop: blue monster truck transporting the fish and the aquarium book in case we had any questions.

Next stop was to the bench at the front door - where he told me about the fish in detail... actually named what kind they were and what they like to eat. And to watch my fingers because some of them may pinch you.

And so on.... I will save you the other stations... there were about 5 of them.

He is such a cool kid!

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