Sunday, June 26, 2011


It is DINOSAUR week! I can say that with all caps because I hear that with a
ROAR in my head :)

We have a very long dino book list this week. I couldn't help myself, I just kept finding great ones at the library! I am having a few problems with this post tho, maybe a few too many photos?

Oh my oh my oh DINOSAURS - by Sandra Boynton: I just love Sandra Boynton's books. They are fun, goofy, and I just love to read them.

Brontorina by James Howe: This is such a cute book and has a great message in it.

Dinosaurs Galore by Giles Andreae: A great bright and colorful book that has fun poems for each of the various dinosaurs (and it includes pronunciations!)

Detective Dinosaur Undercover by James Skofield: My son loves this book. It is a little goofy but we have been reading this book over and over again.

Have You Seen My Dinosaur by Jon Surgal: A fun rhyming book about a lil boy looking for his beloved dinosaur.

Ten Terrible Dinosaurs by Paul Stickland: A fun counting book about dinosaurs getting into trouble or into a bind - I like this one because it counts backwards!

Dinosaurs Dinosaurs by Byron Barton: A short and colorful book.

Bones, Bones, Dinosaur Bones by Byron Barton: My son loves this book, and starts repeating it around the house when he is playing. a fun short book about putting dinosaurs back together.
The Dinosaur Who Lived in My Backyard by B.G. Hennessy: A fun book with cute illustrations about a lil boy who used to have a dinosaur in his backyard.

Drumheller Dinosaur Dance by Robert Heidbreder: I was not quite sure how my son was going to like this book as it shows dinosaur bones coming to life, but he really liked it. I thought it was fun.

Digging Up Dinosaurs by Aliki: This book is a little long and has a few too many facts for my son's attention span, but it is great for showing the progression from live dinosaurs to bones and what/who it takes to put them back together again.

The Dinosaur Alphabet Book by Jerry Pallotta: This book is just that - an alphabet book with lots of dinosaur facts.

A T. Rex Named Sue by Natalie Lunis: A good book about the discovery of the T. Rex Sue and Sue Hendrickson

The Dino-Pedia: Just that, a huge book on everything dinosaur.

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